Equipment Inspections
Inspect Assets Regularly to Maintain Uptime
UTE Cat performs inspections of your equipment. You get the results through VisionLink or in a report sent to you.
- On-site equipment inspections on the Cat Inspect app by UTE Cat or by yourself
- Results are made available for you through VisionLink or via the Cat Inspect with a report. This report may also include quotes for any needed repairs
S.O.S. Fluid Analysis
Predict the Health of an Asset – Available for all brands
Sampling and testing the condition of oil, fuel and coolants helps you to monitor the health of the major mechanical systems and components of your assets, protecting your investments.
- UTE Cat or you pull fluid sample
- The lab analyzes Oil, coolant and fuel samples to determine fluid condition
- Get the results through a report on VisionLink or directly on my.cat.com
Condition Monitoring
Assess the Health and Condition of Assets
A UTE Cat expert in asset health monitors data from your assets, reviews inspections, site conditions, repair history and analyzes S.O.S. fluids in order to provide actionable recommendations for maintenance, repairs, training and operations.
Combination of asset tracking, fleet benchmarking report, S.O.S Fluid Analysis plus other available data such as: application profile, site condition, and asset history with a dedicated UTE Cat.
Maintenance Execution
Partner level
Keep Critical Assets Running
UTE Cat services your equipment on a planned maintenance schedule based on manufacturer recommendations. Contracts for the work are tailored to fit your needs and your asset population.
- You are notified when service is due
- UTE Cat performs an equipment inspection
- UTE Cat performs preventive maintenance at planned intervals