Key Benefits of Going Solar with Us
  • Save on Costs: Offset energy expenses and enjoy significant reductions in your monthly electricity bills.
  • Sustainability: Actively combat climate change with clean, renewable solar energy, decreasing your carbon footprint.
  • Impressive ROI: Solar installations are not just an expense but an investment. With an average ROI of up to 16%, it’s one of the most prudent business decisions in Sri Lanka.
  • Boost Your Brand: Businesses with eco-friendly credentials earn increasing trust and support from consumers and partners.
  • Government Incentives: Capitalize on local rebates, incentives, and favourable loan options that make the transition to solar even more appealing.
Our Offerings
  • Tailored Solar Solutions: Our team consults, designs, and implements solar solutions tailored to your business’s specific needs and energy consumption patterns.
  • High-Quality Systems: We use only the best Tier-1 panels and efficient inverters, ensuring your solar system operates at its peak and lasts long.
  • Complete Support: From the initial consultation, through system design and efficient installation, to regular maintenance, we stand by you at each phase.
  • Flexible Financing: Recognizing upfront costs can be daunting, we present specialized financing options that guarantee a positive cash flow from the outset.
Key Benefits of Going Solar with Us
  • Save on Costs: Offset energy expenses and enjoy significant reductions in your monthly electricity bills.
  • Sustainability: Actively combat climate change with clean, renewable solar energy, decreasing your carbon footprint.
  • Impressive ROI: Solar installations are not just an expense but an investment. With an average ROI of up to 16%, it’s one of the most prudent business decisions in Sri Lanka.
  • Boost Your Brand: Businesses with eco-friendly credentials earn increasing trust and support from consumers and partners.
  • Government Incentives: Capitalize on local rebates, incentives, and favourable loan options that make the transition to solar even more appealing.
Our Offerings
  • Tailored Solar Solutions: Our team consults, designs, and implements solar solutions tailored to your business’s specific needs and energy consumption patterns.
  • High-Quality Systems: We use only the best Tier-1 panels and efficient inverters, ensuring your solar system operates at its peak and lasts long.
  • Complete Support: From the initial consultation, through system design and efficient installation, to regular maintenance, we stand by you at each phase.
  • Flexible Financing: Recognizing upfront costs can be daunting, we present specialized financing options that guarantee a positive cash flow from the outset.
How Does Our Solar Solution Work?

Solar panels harness sunlight, transforming it into DC electricity, subsequently converted into AC power through inverters—powering your business’s daily functions. Surplus energy generated is channelled back into the national grid, leading to additional savings via feed-in tariffs.

Join the Solar Revolution with United Tractor Solar

It’s more than generating power; it’s about equipping your business for a prosperous and sustainable future, leaving a lasting, positive mark on Sri Lanka. Engage with our solar experts today and set your business on the path to a luminous, eco-friendly future.